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If the costs of illegal immigration were difficult to quantify before the Biden-Harris administration, they are downright impossible to accurately assess given the flood of humanity pouring across our borders.
Costs include education, welfare, unreimbursed healthcare, criminal justice expenses, and most importantly the lives affected by crimes committed by illegal immigrants. [12] Here is what we have summed up:
Illegal immigration is costing the United States taxpayer approximately $134 billion dollars a year. [13]
Out of the 50 states, New Jersey has the fifth highest costs associated with illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is costing New Jersey taxpayers a whopping $4.46 billion. [14]
A study from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows alarming trends in crimes committed by illegal immigrants from 2020-2021. This trend is only expected to continue in fiscal year 2022. The study showed that overall, there was a 341% increase in arrests of individuals with criminal convictions. Also from the study: [15]
1,178 assault and domestic violence crimes were committed in 2021 vs. 208 in 2020, up more than 400%.
From 2020-2021 sexual assaults rose 212%.
Robbery, larceny, theft, fraud cases totaled 825 in 2021 from 143 in 2020, a 476% increase.
Homicides totaled 60 in 2021 from three in 2020, a rise of 1900%.
Drugs, weapons, and human trafficking convictions are all on the rise.
We haven't even touched on the cost of incarcerating these criminals.
In a 2018 study, about half of the federally charged crimes were from illegal immigrants. Of those criminals, 41% were repeat offenders. [16]
Yet, the Biden-Harris administration ended the repeat offender law at the border. They've essentially by-passed Federal law that requires ousted illegal immigrants (often criminals) to wait outside the country for up to 10 years before re-applying for re-entry. This has allowed the administration to process and release waves of illegal immigrants, including criminals, into all corners of our country, and in our states and cities. [17]
New Jersey is a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants, meaning a significant number of them, including criminals, will be transported into our state. They will use our resources. They will use our taxpayer-funded programs. They will strain resources ear-marked for some of the most vulnerable and poor in our communities. Is this fair to the people of New Jersey? To the people of the 12th district? Will our own people be displaced from their neighborhoods? Or is this perhaps the Democrats' intentions? Americans need their voices to be heard.
So many of the details of this illegal immigrant invasion have been opaque. We will demand more transparency from this administration once elected as your representative in the 12th district of New Jersey.
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